NEWS: Eckhardt Optics Dallmeyer 3B Reproduction (aka CB3B) is now available for preorder! Some sample shots with prototype by yours truly here. Preorder details here.

Even Bastards need a home….

Collodion Bastards Dot Org is an outgrowth of the Facebook group Collodion Bastards: Wet Plate Work of Questionable Parentage. That particular group was founded on New Year’s Day 2013 as a venue to encourage a free range of experimentation and adaptations with the wet plate collodion process beyond the traditional practices although CB appreciates and invites that as well — that’s what likely drew most of us to the process. So why a separate website?

In the first place, this site responds to the need to archive the Bastard know-how that has appeared in the Facebook group but, because of the nature and structure of FB, tends to turn into ephemera as timelines pass and memories dim.

In the second place, it offers a gathering point for group projects, also difficult to do on FB.

In the third place, it will be the virtual dark alley where gear pushers and gear junkies can hook up a do deals. But only between consenting adults.

In the fourth place, any collodion-related stuff that anyone wants to hawk — plates, prints, t-shirts, stickers, CB Superhero Comics, Collodion Bastard Pie, etc. — is welcomed here. I’m certain we will all become bloody rich Bastards through such crass commercialization of the CB brand…

Gerald Figal, Head Bastard
August 2013, Nashville, TN USA

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