This gallery is exclusively reserved for collodion plates that have been posted to the Collodion Bastards Facebook page but then were banned and removed by Facebook monitors. It is not intended as a first gallery for content that MIGHT be banned by Facebook, but for images that the photographer can prove have been ACTUALLY banned. It’s also not the intent for this gallery to become a haven for porn and truly vulgar or offensive images of little artistic merit. I realize one can debate until the cows come home what constitutes porn, vulgarity, offensiveness, and artistic merit, but I’d rather not. Just show some reasonably good taste. You can send your image and documentation to
- Gustavo Castilla
- Silvano Magnone
- Scott Anton
- Scott Stallings
- Sidney Kapuskar
- Brandon Fernandez
- Nède Romain Vernede
- Jim Presley
- Doug Hanson
- Gustavo Castilla
- Hans de Kort